Preferfantasy Nymph Fae Faerie Nature Spirit Elf Art

"Faeries talk all in riddles and tricky bits, 'cept the Nobles. At present, there's some directly talkers."
― Joskun, An-Havva Lawman (Magic: The Gathering)
"Up the blusterous mountain
Downward the rushy glen
We dare not get a-hunting
For fear of trivial men."
― William Allingham, The Fairies
"Come up away, O human child!
To the waters and the wild
With a faery, hand in mitt.
For the world's more full of weeping than you tin can understand."
― William Butler Yeats, The Stolen Child

The power to employ the abilities of faeries. Variation of Mythic Physiology.


  • ane Also Called
  • 2 Capabilities
  • 3 Applications
    • 3.1 Physical Faeries
    • 3.2 Spiritual Faeries
    • 3.3 Ethereal Faeries
    • 3.4 Common Powers
  • iv Variations
    • 4.ane Nature Fairies
    • 4.2 Undead Fairies
    • 4.iii Demonic Fairies
  • 5 Associations
  • half dozen Limitations
  • vii Known Users
    • vii.1 Comics
    • seven.2 Literature
    • vii.3 Movies
    • 7.iv Live Television set
    • 7.v Cartoons
    • 7.6 Anime/Manga
    • 7.7 Video Games
    • 7.eight Folklore/Mythology
    • 7.9 Other
  • eight Gallery

Also Chosen

  • Fae/Faerie/Faery/Fair Folk/Fairie/Fay/Fey Mimicry/Physiology


User with this ability either is or tin can transform into a fairy, a being that is either a nature spirit, a pagan god, an affections aligned with neither Sky nor Hell, or something completely else. The way this power manifests varies greatly, but among the possibilities are pointed ears, unusual coloring (pilus, skin and/or eyes), and animalistic features (horns, animate being ears or eyes, tail, antennae, etc). Others change their size, manifest sigils over their body, produce an ethereal glow or have no changes at all. Faeries are among the most variable known beings. In terms of morality users tin be good or evil but are most commonly neutral.

For practical reasons faeries tin can be divided into three groups divers past what they are formed from:

Physical Faeries aren't necessarily solid affair, only they are material/free energy beings with a relatively defined/stable form and often at least a somewhat human-similar mind. Most users that aren't originally of faery stock have this variation. Note that faeries of this group aren't necessarily whatever weaker than those of the other groups. They are only more than "solid" in listen and body.

Spiritual Faeries are completely spiritual beings, and thus far less bound to the "Material World". Many of them think in means that are only tangentially relatable to humans, and their forms are both transient and oftentimes downright surreal.

Ethereal Faeries are often both the most powerful and ancient faeries, in some ways closer to sentient concepts representing aspects of nature than anything else. As such, relating to them in any manner is likely impossible.

Furthermore, fairies are divided into iii distinct families:

  • Fairies (The term used for almost fairies in folklore and fantasy, being spirits of nature and/or lesser deities)
  • Undead Fairies (The idea of fairies as spirits of the dead; this is an ancient belief that went paw-in-hand with the nature spirit belief.)
  • Demonic Fairies (The idea of fairies equally demonic entities; while this thought spread further due to monotheistic resistance to nature and bequeathed worship, at that place have always been malicious entities akin to what the modern world would see as demons within the complicated world of fairy kind.)


Physical Faeries

  • Delayed Immortality/Longevity
  • Enhanced/Supernatural Status: Possess concrete attributes that surpass normal humans.
    • Enhanced/Supernatural Agility: Gain enhanced ability to perform feats of super speed and reflexes.
    • Enhanced/Supernatural Dexterity: Brand quick and precise movements in almost any state of affairs.
    • Enhanced/Supernatural Durability: Become impervious to most forms of impairment.
    • Enhanced/Supernatural Strength: Gain enhanced strength.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Enhanced/Supernatural Level
  • Malleable Beefcake: Alter the body to a limited caste.
  • Physical Faeries

Spiritual Faeries

  • Cosmic Awareness: Accept the mind get one with the universe.
  • Empathy: Exist able to perceive the emotions of others.
  • Energy Manipulation: Generate/Command multiple forms of a high caste.
    • Absorption: Absorb different forms of energy for defense or recharging purposes.
    • Barriers: Set up energy shields that are nearly impenetrable.
    • Blasts: Projection free energy blasts that can level a whole city.
    • Constructs: Create a number of constructs that can assistance in whatsoever situation.
  • Enhanced/Supernatural Condition: Gain superhuman attributes that surpass mere mortals.
  • Invulnerability: Become nearly impervious to any type of impairment.
  • Malleable Beefcake/Shapeshifting: Alter the body to assist with stealth or offensive situations.
  • Spirit Physiology: Possess the physical form of a powerful spirit.
    • Flight: Defy gravity and wing at speeds of audio.
    • Illusion Manipulation: Cast powerful illusions that seem almost real
    • Intangibility: Phase through objects and avoid attacks with ease.
    • Possession: Enter a target's torso and control their actions.
    • Telekinesis: Psionically dispense structures at an advanced level.
    • Teleportation: Ship to a far location with merely a thought.
  • Spiritual Faeries

Ethereal Faeries

  • Ethereal Faeries
  • Twilight Physiology: Possess the supernatural body that is natural for a beingness of light and darkness.
    • Ethereal Course: Gain the form of a powerful ethereal beingness.
      • Energy Perception: Possess the power to see all the free energy that surroundings you.
      • Extrasensory Perception: Posses senses that surpass those of normal people.
      • Immortality: Go without the demand for food, water, and air while condign immune to things such equally disease.
      • Omni-Shifting: Wield limitless shapeshifting abilities.
      • Possession: Enter a targets body to control them for any purpose
      • Quintessence Strength: Generate a limitless amount of energy for well-nigh any kind of use.
      • Supernatural Condition: Possess the superior physical/mental attributes of a super being.
  • Twilight Manipulation: As ethereal beings that exist outside those of light and night, wielders tin can control the ethereal free energy that exists betwixt both forces.
    • Ethereal Manipulation: Take Primary-level control over the "Universal Element/Energy".
      • ​Aether Manipulation: Have Chief-level control over the "Celestial Element".
      • ​ Aether Magic: Use magic that allows them to utilize Aether, the celestial element, either magically manipulating it or using information technology to cast spells.
      • ​ Aether Power Link: Have the power to make their Aether connect to their powers and use information technology to control them.
      • ​ Conjuration: Create/Summon annihilation the wielder desires.
      • ​ Mana/Life-Force Manipulation: Control the mystic force found in every form of life and creation.
        • Dimensional Manipulation: Control dimensional energy for many uses.
        • Energy Matter Manipulation: Possess a transcendent level of control over a supernatural substance that works as both energy and matter.
        • Space-Time Manipulation: Command the energies of time and space.
      • Resurrection: Wielder can resurrect whatsoever desired target.
      • Subjective Reality: Control the edge that exists between fantasy and reality.

Mutual Powers

Following powers are among the most common faeries may accept:

  • Extrasensory Perception
  • Fairy Aureola
  • Fairy Dust Manipulation
  • Flying
    • Forever Flying
    • Fly Manifestation
      • Insect Fly Manifestation
  • Hollow Physiology
  • Identity Theft
  • Longevity/Semi-Immortality/Immortality
  • Magic
    • Blessing Magic
    • Expletive Magic
    • Disease Magic
    • Energy Magic
    • Fairy Magic
    • Healing
    • Illusionary Magic
    • Magical Telekinesis
    • Heed Command
    • Nature Magic
    • Infinite-Time Magic
    • Transmutation
    • Wish Granting
  • Mental Manipulation
    • Confusion Inducement
    • Dream Manipulation
    • Slumber Inducement
  • Misdirection
  • Nature Channeling
  • Nature Manipulation
    • Elemental Manipulation
    • Surround Manipulation
    • Plant Enhancement
    • Conditions Manipulation
  • Shapeshifting
  • Teleportation


Fairies are highly variable, and many are completely unique, merely several broad groups be:

Elves (Also Alfar, Alpen, etc.): Probable to create/live in their own communities, nations and states: either fairies, close relatives of fairies, or humanoids with exceptional lifespans and magical inclination.

Forest/Sylvan Fairies (including Dryads, Leshy/Leshachikha/Leshonky (male/female/child), Wild Men/Women): Often have some animal or plant-like features, may be solitary or course their ain communities. They are powerful and territorial.

  • Animal Manipulation, Confusion Inducement, Illusion Manipulation, Institute Manipulation, some can apply Atmospheric condition Manipulation. Almost powerful may have Forest Manipulation.

Little People (including Leprechauns, Pech, Pixies): Small, merely with startlingly broad magical powers. They often grade minor communities and savor tricking mortals, especially if they are drunkards, bad tempered, lazy or proud.

  • Nature Manipulation, Confusion Inducement, Illusion Manipulation, some tin fly with or without wings.
  • Leprechaun Physiology
  • Pixie Physiology

Mountain Fairies (including Gwyllions, Knockers, Korreds/Korrigans (male/female), Mimi, Oreads, Vila (Wila, Wili or Veela)): Relatively human-like fairies habitation on and in mountains and hills. Territorial, but may be willing to make a bargain with a respectful mortal.

  • Earth Manipulation, often Air Manipulation for those who don't alive underground. Most powerful may have Cave Manipulation and/or Mount Manipulation.

Nymphs (Include Dryads, Oreads, Naiads, Nereids): Spirits/minor deities who animate nature. Beautiful, often female nature entities, either bound to a particular location or landform or servants/retinue of more powerful being, often a major deity.

Water Fairies (Include Asrai, Naiads, Neck/Nixie, Nereids, Tritons): Ofttimes female. Many are seducers of mortals. Some are willing to mate with mortals (several families claim one in their ancestry). Others are only trying to lure humans closer to the water to drown them.

  • Water Manipulation, many can use Audio Manipulation by singing or playing musical instrument. Some can use Weather Manipulation over the body of water they reside. Most powerful may accept Lake/River Manipulation or Ocean Manipulation.
  • Seduction Mastery
  • Triton Physiology
  • Undine Physiology

Other varieties include:

Nature Fairies

  • Baobhan Sith
  • Buggane
  • Cat Sìth
  • Composite Fairy
  • Cù-sìth
  • Fairy Dragon
  • Fairy Lord
  • Fairy Mouse
  • Gancanagh
  • Glaistig
  • Hobgoblin
  • Kobold
  • Peri
  • Satyr/Faun
  • Sprite
  • Molar Fairy
  • Transcendent Fairy
  • Vegetable Fairy
  • Wulver
  • Yosei
  • Zana

Undead Fairies

  • Banshee
  • Bean-nighe
  • Dullahan
  • Sluagh
  • Volition-O'-The-Wisp

Demonic Fairies

  • Goblin
  • Gremlin
  • Kelpie
  • Kuri
  • Nuckelavee
  • Pukwudgie
  • Redcap
    • Redcap Lord


  • Ascended Physiology
  • Celtic Deity
  • Elemental Fairy Physiology
  • Fairy-Vampire Physiology
  • Fairy Morphing
  • Fairy Soul
  • Imp Physiology
  • Mythic Physiology
  • Tenshi Physiology
  • Trickster
  • Troll Physiology
  • Yokai Physiology


  • In most folklore, fairies can be repelled, injure, or killed past "cold iron" (making them vulnerable to users of Iron Generation, Fe Manipulation, and Iron Mimicry).
  • According to superstition, fairies are repelled by a number of things, including rowan, alder, and clothing turned inside-out.
  • In about folklore, fairies are unable to lie (though they are often skilled in deception nonetheless).
  • Small fairies may be easily crushed by creatures larger than them, including humans.

Known Users

Come across Likewise: Fairy Tropes, especially Our Fairies Are Different.




Live Television receiver

  • Fairies (Charmed)
  • Nymphs (Charmed)
  • Robin Goodfellow (Chilling Adventures of Sabrina)
  • Faries (Fate: The Winx Saga)
  • Wade (Legacies)
  • Fairies (In one case Upon a Fourth dimension)
  • Fairies (The Other Kingdom)
  • Fairies (Shadowhunters)
  • Fairies (Supernatural)
  • Fairies (True Blood)
    • Claudine
    • Sookie Stackhouse



Video Games


  • Aos Sí (Celtic Mythology)
  • Fairy (European Folklore)
  • Peri (Persian Mythology)
  • Leshy (Slavic Mythology)


  • Makeover Fairy (Channel Awesome)
  • Spice Girls (Music Video for Viva Forever)
  • Faeries (Neopets)



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